The Gardena Blog

Herz Jesu Tag: Bedeutung, Geschichte und Holzgeschnitzte Christusdarstellungen

Herz Jesu Tag: Bedeutung, Geschichte und Holzge...

Einführung in den Herz Jesu Tag Der Herz Jesu Tag, auch bekannt als das Fest des Heiligsten Herzens Jesu, ist ein bedeutender Tag im liturgischen Kalender der katholischen Kirche. Jährlich...

Herz Jesu Tag: Bedeutung, Geschichte und Holzge...

Einführung in den Herz Jesu Tag Der Herz Jesu Tag, auch bekannt als das Fest des Heiligsten Herzens Jesu, ist ein bedeutender Tag im liturgischen Kalender der katholischen Kirche. Jährlich...

Auferstehung Christi in Holz geschnitzt: Eine Göttliche Darstellung

Resurrection of Christ carved in wood: A Divine...

The meaning of Christ’s resurrection The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central event of the Christian faith. It symbolizes the victory over death and the redemption of humanity. The...

Resurrection of Christ carved in wood: A Divine...

The meaning of Christ’s resurrection The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central event of the Christian faith. It symbolizes the victory over death and the redemption of humanity. The...

Die Bedeutung von Marienfiguren in der Grödner Holzschnitzerei

The significance of Marian figures in Val Garde...

The artistic wood carvings of Val Gardena, a picturesque valley in the Italian Dolomites, are known worldwide for their unique depiction of Marian figures and apparitions. This tradition of wood...

The significance of Marian figures in Val Garde...

The artistic wood carvings of Val Gardena, a picturesque valley in the Italian Dolomites, are known worldwide for their unique depiction of Marian figures and apparitions. This tradition of wood...

Die selbstgebaute Grossrubatscher Familienkrippe mit den Mathias Krippenfiguren

My Nativity Scene Part 3: The self-built Grossr...

Due to the close connection to the Val Gardena wood carving industry, the Grossrubatscher family has a number of very old and hand-carved nativity scenes in their collection. We would...

My Nativity Scene Part 3: The self-built Grossr...

Due to the close connection to the Val Gardena wood carving industry, the Grossrubatscher family has a number of very old and hand-carved nativity scenes in their collection. We would...

Die Marienerscheinugen in Medugorje

The Marian apparitions in Medugorje

The fascination of Medjugorje: insight into the Marian apparitions Since the early 1980s, the small village of Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a pilgrimage destination for believers from...

The Marian apparitions in Medugorje

The fascination of Medjugorje: insight into the Marian apparitions Since the early 1980s, the small village of Medjugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a pilgrimage destination for believers from...

Die barocke Rainellkrippe

The baroque Rainell nativity scene

The Rainell nativity scene is made in Val Gardena from sycamore wood, with lime wood being used for larger figures from 44 cm. The quality of the workmanship gives the...

The baroque Rainell nativity scene

The Rainell nativity scene is made in Val Gardena from sycamore wood, with lime wood being used for larger figures from 44 cm. The quality of the workmanship gives the...