Maundy Thursday and Val Gardena wood carving: A cultural tradition

Maundy Thursday is an important day in Christian tradition and is celebrated every year on the Thursday before Easter Sunday. In this blog article we will look at the meaning of Maundy Thursday and the traditions associated with this day.

What is Maundy Thursday?

Maundy Thursday is also known as "High Thursday" or "White Thursday" and is the beginning of the Triduum Sacrum, the holy three days before Easter. On this day, Jesus' last supper is traditionally celebrated with his disciples.

Meaning of Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday has great significance in Christian tradition as it marks the last supper of Jesus with his disciples. During the Lord's Supper, Jesus broke bread and shared it with his disciples and said, "Take and eat, this is my body which is given for you." He also gave them the cup of wine and said, "Take and drink from it, all of you; this is my blood, which is poured out for you and for many for the remission of sins."

Maundy Thursday traditions

There are several traditions that are followed on Maundy Thursday. One of the most important traditions is the Lord's Supper, which is celebrated in many churches around the world. During Communion, bread and wine are shared to commemorate the last supper of Jesus and his disciples. Another tradition is washing feet. This tradition dates back to Jesus' last supper with his disciples, when he washed their feet to show them that they should serve one another. In some churches, this tradition is carried out on Maundy Thursday after Communion. Another custom associated with Maundy Thursday is fasting. Many Christians fast on Maundy Thursday to prepare for the suffering and death of Jesus on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Maundy Thursday in the art of wood carving

In the Val Gardena region of South Tyrol, wood carving is an important tradition that dates back to the 17th century. Val Gardena wood carving is known for its high quality craftsmanship and artistic skills, which make it an important part of the cultural heritage of this region.

Maundy Thursday also has a special meaning in Val Gardena wood carving. Many artists and craftsmen in the region carve figures and scenes associated with Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper of Jesus. These figures are often displayed in churches and other religious institutions and serve as symbols of the significance of this day in Christian tradition. Val Gardena wood carving is also closely linked to the Easter season, as many artists and craftsmen in the region carve religious figures and scenes in the period leading up to Easter. These works of art, often carved from wood, are often visited and admired by pilgrims and tourists.

In Val Gardena wood carving, figures of Jesus and his disciples during the Last Supper are often carved. These figures are often placed in churches and other religious institutions to commemorate the importance of Maundy Thursday in Christian tradition. Many artists and craftsmen in the region also carve crosses and other religious symbols that are displayed in churches and other religious facilities during the Easter season. Overall, Val Gardena wood carving is an important part of the cultural and religious traditions of this region. Through her high quality craftsmanship and her artistic skills, she helps to preserve and celebrate the importance of Maundy Thursday and Easter in Christian tradition.


Maundy Thursday is an important day in Christian tradition and reminds us that Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples before he was crucified. During the Lord's Supper he broke bread and gave wine and said, "This is my body" and "This is my blood." These words remind us of the sacrifice Jesus made for all of us. Traditions such as communion, foot washing and fasting are also observed on Maundy Thursday. By adhering to these traditions, we can prepare to celebrate Easter and remember that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected.

You can also find many artistic carvings related to the Passion of Christ in our online shop:

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